"Here is our hotel!," announced Henry at the end of their long ride. "Thank you Wigglebus!"
"Is this the picnic?" asked PJ.

"This is the Bobtail-gate," laughed Cricket.  "It's the party the night before the picnic.  You can make new friends, see your old friends and have fun. In the morning we go to the picnic."

"We get to sleep at a  hotel!" said Molly.

"Can we get room service?" laughed PJ.

Patrick O'Malley gave him "the look". "We have to save our money little man, but the party will have everything you could ever want for free!"

Just then, PJ came upon the most beautiful sheepdog puppy he had ever seen.  "Excuse me, my name is PJ Wigglebee.  I am five months old, how old are you?"
"Hi!" said the beautiful puppy. "My name is Matisse, and I am also five months old."

"But you are so big and beautiful," said PJ.  "I am very sick. Maybe that's why I'm not big like you."

Matisse gave PJ a kiss. 

"What is the matter with you?" Matisse asked.  The two puppies politely sniffed each other's butts, which is good manners for dogs.

"I'm dying from a disease I got in a puppy mill.  They might be able to save me at the hospital but we have to raise seven thouseand dollars for me to have the chance to survive."

"Maybe I could paint your picture, and we could sell that," Matisee suggested.  

"Are you an artist?" asked PJ with surprise.

"My upright is the famous artist Michelina," said Matisse, "she would let me use her paints."